Sunday, September 30, 2012

Coming in October

Be sure to check out my guest blog post on October 12th on Wise Whispers.

Guest blog2

I share my experiences with the paranormal and ghosts.

dark house

Also, Samhain is coming and the veil is thinning.  Get ready to honor your ancestors and celebrate the final harvest.

I will be writing about what this month means to me know versus what it meant to me growing up and the differences from being raised Christian to now being Pagan.

On Grove of the Ancients Blog, I will be highlighting new items for the upcoming Sabbats, Samhain and Yule and give suggestions on that perfect gift.


My Etsy store, Grove Creations, is open and I should have a couple new cloaks available there soon.  Assuming I have time to complete them.


Faith and religion should be a path you walk and the cup you drink from. Not the well you fall and drown in.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Broom Closet

Getting back to the Pagan Blog Prompts with this topic.


In or Out?

I would have to say that I am both.  My broom closet has a revolving door.  I stepped out of the broom closet as far as my friends are concerned about 3 years ago; about a year after I started to follow this path.  My family is the other side.  At least to everyone but my mom.  I don’t discuss much of my beliefs with them.

Do I have to hide my ‘pagan-nature’?

Not in public I do not.  I am very open about my beliefs and spirituality in public.  I wear a pentagram and the triple goddess symbol every day.  At work everyone knows my beliefs and they are very interested in things and how I celebrate different times of the year and some have even gone as far as saying things like “Have a great Summer Solstice or Autumn Equinox”.

Besides this I also co-own and operate an online pagan store as well as a brick and mortar store here in Denver.  So in those two areas I am quite out of the closet.

I hope to some day remove the revolving door and forever remain out of the broom closet until then, let it spin.